Plastic pollution is a huge problem, so we are pro actively providing a solution with our Ocean Plastic bags. Ocean plastic is plastic that is in danger of entering and polluting the ocean most commonly through rivers and streams that collect water from surrounding areas/cities (runoff). In developing countries, such as Haiti and remote Mexico, where infrastructure for trash and recycling is lacking, all trash ̶ including plastic ̶ flows downstream from rivers/streams to the beach. This plastic waste is picked up and put into super sacks to keep the plastic trash out of the ocean, and it gets recycled into pellets to make bags and other goods. We want to keep plastic out of our ocean and into our homes to use purposefully in daily life. At the same time, we can help provide jobs to locals in third world countries and an education for their children. Our goal in using ocean plastic is to recycle it into quality sustainable bags while simultaneously empowering the less fortunate and preventing plastic from further polluting our ocean.
FAQ about Ocean Plastic Bags
Why use ocean plastic instead of biodegradable or compostable materials?
We believe it is better to use existing materials and recycle than create new materials from new resources. There is plenty of plastic already in existence that is ready to be reused, however, to create biodegradable bags, we would need to use new resources. Plastic is a very reusable and recyclable material, so we believe that until we find a better solution, collecting the abandoned plastic and giving it a new useful life is truly resource efficient and helpful. We do however offer compostable options for those who prefer that environmental alternative.
Can Ocean Plastic bags be recycled?
Yes! They are 100% recyclable since the bags are #2 HDPE plastic, same as traditional plastic bags.
How is the ocean plastic resin made?
First, the plastic is collected by the employees within 50km of the coastlines of Haiti and remote Mexico where there is little to no infrastructure for recycling. Then, the plastic is taken to our partner’s local Haitian/Mexican recycling centers where it is processed and transformed into recycled plastic resin that can be used for many different products, including our Ocean Plastic trash bags. Lastly, the once abandoned plastic finds its way into a home to be used in daily life, and then, it is ideally recycled so that it can be repurposed into new items again and again.
Are the workers in Haiti and Mexico paid?
Absolutely! Our recycling company partner works hard to ensure the workers get paid well to pay for living expenses such as food, rent, etc. Not only do the employees get paid well, but their children can have a free education with paid books, uniforms, and tuition. By simply using Ocean Plastic bags, you can help the lives of these communities through job opportunities, education opportunities, and the creation of a cleaner environment.
How are Ocean Plastic bags sustainable? Isn’t it still plastic?
With our Ocean Plastic bags, we want to give a strong and durable sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bag users as a step towards a more waste free, sustainable, and environmentally sound future. We believe that reducing the amount of plastic going into our ocean and up cycling it is crucial. We believe that in order to slow and stop plastic pollution, we need to reuse the plastic that’s already out there. Not using the plastic that is already in the environment does more harm than good. By reducing plastic in the environment and up cycling it to use in our homes, we make plastic work for us instead of against us and our Earth. By using plastic that is in danger of polluting our oceans, we reduce wastefulness, reduce the use of new natural resources, we can clean up the coastlines, and can help those in need by providing jobs as well as an education for the employee’s children.
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